Power of determination
Hey guys welcome to consultant mindset. I hope you guys are doing great. A goal cannot be achieved until it is incorporated with a fixed intention. Dreaming about all the wildest things is not enough to proceed towards a peculiar goal. You must continue to pursue those wild dreams with persistent efforts and struggle. Determination is that force which ignites you to move towards your goal no matter how many hurdles and challenges come between you and your goal. You never turn your back on your dreams. There may be times when you feel like quitting and not moving forward. This is the stimulus that you still need to push yourself towards the determined goals. In the beginning, you may feel that you are not making any progress but it is just a mere delusion. You only stop making progress when you stop working. Quitting is the only tool which can stop your progress. Determination is a powerful weapon that keeps you firmly attached to your goal. A goal without determination and persistence is just useless. The achievement of goals is a set of multiple components which are required to make them practically possible.
You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.
All the creators and successful personalities who are enjoying the limelight of success passed through such difficult times and challenges but they never gave up. The famous, CEO and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk was not wealthy from the start. He initiated a small business with his brother in their apartment. The idea was to sell their products to the people with the aid of the Internet. But in that era, the use of the internet was not common. Many people didn’t know about it so they used to get zero sales. But the significant tool they kept with them was they never gave up. They started selling their products door to door until their company became successful. That is how Elon Musk became rich and successful. He never lost to setbacks and failures; he has always learned from them. That’s why today his companies are growing tremendously and immense sales have become his fate.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Another prominent brand that remained stuck to its goal and kept on improving its product is Microsoft. It is another example which remained determined to make their company a humongous success. The products of Microsoft were rejected several times, but Bill Gates along with his team continued to put undefined efforts into them. In the end, they succeeded in making these products a great success.
The important thing to realise in this whole scenario is not to confuse stubbornness with determination. Determination is mainly sticking to your goals and improving persistently, whereas stubbornness is just sticking to your goals without making any improvements.
How can you continue to improve yourself and remain determined towards your goals?
Keep measurable goals
Having meaningful and practically achievable goals is a significant game changer. Goal setting is important but, before that going for measurable goals holds great importance. It is useless to waste your energy and resources on those goals that are not even within your human limit. Act wise and always choose those goals that are within the boundary of human capability. Determination is an ongoing dynamic journey toward a compelling vision that cannot be denied.
Faith in yourself
Having confidence in oneself is of utmost significance, as it empowers you to attain goals that might otherwise appear unattainable. Self-belief gives you beast powers and makes you do wonders. You might experience feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness towards a specific goal, but in this very moment, it’s crucial not to overlook your inner strength and determination, which have the potential to enable remarkable achievements.
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
Trust your intuition and inner voice
At times, your inner voice provides more accurate guidance than all the advice that surrounds you. During the journey, you may reach a point where you must make a particularly challenging decision. This will be the moment when you need to consider your intuition. Trusting your instincts will lead to results that prove beneficial for your interests.
Dedication is the key that can make you achieve your ultimate humongous goals. You should never leave the side of dedication and always remain glued to it.
That’s all for today’s video. I hope you guys find this video interesting. For more videos, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to our channel. thanks!